The Park is Open - Jurassic World

It has been 20 years since the original film was released. I remember going to the cinema and loving every second of it. Now, after two disappointing sequels, a new one has been made and I have to say it looks quite good, at least better than the sequels.

Yes, the film looks like it will be full CGI (no animatronics like in the original one) but sure looks interesting, something I always wondered, how would it be if the park was open to the public? Now we get the answer. Too bad for the so many CGI but I cannot lie, I felt quite nostalgic while watching this trailer specially the last part when you can listen a slow piano version of the infamous Jurassic Park main theme...made me feel like a little kid once again!

Now about the casting, while I'm totally okay with Chris Pratt as the main actor (he did an excellent work in Guardians of the Galaxy) I hope we see some cameos from the original cast...I know it hasn't been confirmed but I'm still waiting for a small surprise.

The Park is Open (after 20 years), being released the 12th June 2015...looks like it will be a year of many comebacks including the trailer I'm most excited for: Star Wars Episode VII!

Check the trailer right now!