
Showing posts from January, 2013

It's not you...

...It's me...

Lincoln - Review

Second post of the year! (Ok, I'll stop...) This film has 12 nominations to the Academy Awards this year and I really hope they win at least eight of them because I saw this film and I was surprised about how amazing it is! This film makes you see how everything happened in the most realistic way Everyone knows who Abraham Lincoln least you have to know thanks to him slavery ended and he was killed while watching a comedy in a theatre. This film you'll see the personal life of the 16th president and how much effort he made to end's an amazing story and, most important, it happened in reality. This is the official plot:  In 1865, as the American Civil War winds inexorably toward conclusion, U.S. president Abraham Lincoln endeavors to achieve passage of the landmark constitutional amendment which will forever ban slavery from the United States. However, his task is a race against time, for peace may come at any time, and if it comes before the

Lightning Returns Update

First post of the year! Nothing to do with weird stuff this time, this is about Lightning Returns It has been confirmed that will be released in Autumn 2013, Lightning will be the only character playable and will feature all the secondary characters from the other the new trailer releases you can easily see Noel Kreiss (from FFXIII-2) fightning against Lightning saying she's not the real one...and in some pictures they have released a new character called Lumina who looks a lot like Serah (Light's sister) and will be some kind of frienemy to Lightning helping her sometimes and also being against her and the world. This time it looks more realistic with more side missions and faster fights with more stuff to lots of different outfits! Here I put my two fave. new pics plus a link to the new extended trailer!    Here's the trailer: