
Showing posts from 2010

New Year and a Black Swan

After this year of events of every kind, it has to be made a list for the greatest things of this 2010...but first I want to say something about a film I just saw today: "The Black Swan", Natalie Portman (she deserves an Oscar for this one!!!) makes her character so real it scares me, and with this phsycological film makes this a great movie which other films can learn, I loved it! Another film which it impressed me was Tron Legacy, the actors are really good and the special effects and "city" are just awesome! Best Film of the Year: It's very hard to choose, but in my opinion there's a tie betweeen Inception, Shutter Island and Black Swan. Best Concert of the Year: There's no doubt, The Big 4 featuring Metallica and Megadeth!! Best Album of the Year: Maybe some will say "you're crazy!", but I love Selena Gomez album "A Year Without Rain"! Best Videogame: Final Fantasy XIII AND Alan Wake! I wish you all a wonderful new year!!!

Thanksgiving and The Dark Side

Anyone can believe whatever they want, but I think we all agree madness is in everyone; all humans have a dark side in their hearts, some have it too dark and others too well hidden but that doesn't mean it's there. Humans only care of themselves and they want everyone to be like them, if you are not like them, they get mad and try anything to change you, and when I say anything I really mean ANYTHING. If they succeed and you get into the darkness life, that doesn't mean you can't comeback to the good side (I call it the light side)... Don't be fooled, if you understand what I mean you have enough power, or brains, you will not be tempted to what the dark side offers and will understand that the good side can give you a better life, a price for being a good person because the ones that refuse to be good will have their punishment, they will regret their sins when the day comes...and they will not be forgiven because they had their change to be better. ...And now for

Happy Halloween

That's what the title says....Happy Halloween!!!!! I wanted to watch some horror movie, so I decided this year for Sweeney Tood and Nightmare Before Christmas. And as every year, listen some Thriller music! My costume?? This year I decided to be less terrific, so I dressed as V (from V for Vendetta) Remeber, remember the 5th of November....which is very soon....

My New Top Tens

I wanted to update my blog but didn't know how sooooo I'm going to make a little update with my Top Tens. I have played new videogames, watched new movies and all that so here's the new list: ::Top 10 Videogames:: 1. Final Fantasy XIII (9.8) 2. Final Fantasy VII (9.6) 3. Batman: Arkham Asylum (9.6) 4. Red Dead Redemption (9.5) 5. Bioshock / Bioshock 2 (9.5) 6. Bayonetta (9.4) 7. Alan Wake (9.4) 8. Mass Effect 2 (9.3) 9. Fallout 3 (9.3) 10. Final Fantasy X (9.2) ..... .... ::Top 5 Films:: 1. Inception 2. The Dark Knight 3. V for Vendetta 4. Sherlock Holmes 5. Pirates of the Caribbean ..... .... ::Top 5 Singers:: 1. Kylie Minogue 2. Selena Gomez 3. Michael Jackson 4. Metallica 5. Green Day ..... .... ::Top 5 Albums:: (from last 2 years) 1. A Year Without Rain by Selena Gomez 2. Aphrodite by Kylie Minogue 3. This is It by Michael Jackson 4. 21st Century Breakdown by Green Day 5. Kiss & Tell by Selena Gomez

Final Fantasy XIII Sequel

Final Fantasy XIII-2 I just heard thay the creator of my favourite game, Final Fantasy XIII, would like to make a sequel. I think it's a great idea because they can use the scenes or story they didn't used. Maybe some people will find this a bad idea but I think it's quite good because they ca make a better game now that they know what "some people" didn't like about the original game. In my case, I loved the game and can't wait to play a sequel and see new adventures of Lightning! I support this and hope they make it!

A Year Without Rain

She's very famous as a Disney star but she's already starting her job outside making new music and new films on cinema. I think she's going to be a great star because not only for her talent as an actress and a singer but also for her great personality and beautiful face. Selena is going to release her second album next week called "A Year Without Rain" and I will make a review of it once I hear it, but for what I have already heard (Round and Round and the song from the title album) it's going to be great music as the first one she did last year. Now a picture of her from her new album:

Lightning's Comeback

My favourite character of all time and the one I wish was real comesback next year, I'm talking about Claire Farron aka. Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII!! Square announced this week that the new game called Dissidia Duodecim: Final Fantasy will be released next year and Light will be on it. I actually don't have a PSP but I'll buy it once this comes out, after I ended FFXIII I'm still playing it and it will be awesome to play as Light again on this fighting game where characters from all Final Fantasies are in...another new character that didn't appeared on the previous Dissidia is Tifa from FFVII. Another new feature on this game is that characters will have different choices for clothes, including Light which I already saw another clothes than the one she always wears and it's awesome and very modern.

Devil Will Cry

DmC "Devil May Cry" I am a huge fan of the Devil May Cry Saga, specially for the characters like Dante, Trish and Vergil, now the TGS 2010 is on and Capcom just show to the world the new Devil May Cry and its new look. As it may be the story where Dante starts in this demon world (because he looks like 16 years old) he doesn't look like the character we all love. The first time I saw the trailer I was thinking about how much this game will suck, BUT now that I've seen it five more times, I think it's going to rock and now I understand the reason why Dante has this new look but I'm not going to sploiter anything. This will be released next year (maybe?) for the PS3 and Xbox 360. I'm sure I'm gonna buy it!! This is the new Dante...don't mess with him :D

Resident Evil Afterlife

"Resident Evil: Afterlife Review" I've seen all Resident Evil movies but not because I'm a RE fan, it's more because I'm a Milla Jovovich fan. I loved the previous ones especially the first one but I think this one is the greatest and show us what is coming next is going to be awesome. Milla is again Alice and she's the best of this film, I fall in love with badass girls and she's the perfect one. The second thing great about this film is the great and awesome action sequences in 3D which is, in my opinion, better than Avatar and any other 3D movie. It's true that the movie doesn't have the greatest plot but it's quite good for what the movie is. Maybe some people will not like the many slow-motion action scenes "Matrix-Style", but it shows you the beauty of the 3D can do in a great action movie. 8/10 = The best from the saga, and wait for the next one, I'm sure it will be even better than this one! I must repeat: Milla Jovovi

The New Dawn

After seven months (I know, seven months...) I ended Final Fantasy XIII. I'm not going to explain the ending here, I don't want to ruin it to anyone, but I am going to say that after playing almost all Final Fantasies and many many videogames, I am proud to say that this has the greatest ending ever made, while others are quite simple or predictable, this one is not, I really like it and even that I ended the story of the game, I am going to keep playing it! Is quite amazing how the game ends and what the story is about, waiting and fightning for an new dawn, a new world, a new future, a second change, that's what all is about... Lightning's Crystal picture:


I N C E P T I O N review I just saw the last Christopher Nolan film called Inception...all I have to say is that it's one of the greatest films I have ever seen since The Dark Knight. Explaining the movie in a short sentence: This film is about a group of people "injecting" ideas to people in order to make them do whatever they want to. The movie has great cinematographic and all the actors (I repeat, all the actors) play a great role, like they were born to make this movie. This movie has great reception and may be the greatest so far. The film ends as perfect as the beginning but I think the end is like "I knew that was going to happen", and makes you think the two different versions that the end can have. THE BEST: The story, the action sequences, the actors, everything! THE WORST: Nothing, but I have a better idea for the ending! :) RATING: 10/10 !! The greatest movie I've seen from a long long long! time...


After a long wait, Kylie Minogue's new album is released, even when there are hard times, sometimes a simple song can make you the happiest person ever. I have been a Kylie fan for more than 10 years and I have in my power ALL her albums but I have to say that this one - Aphrodite - is the greatest album ever! The style looks awesome, she looks just like Aphrodite herself and even the order of the songs on the CD is also well putted. My favourite album was Body Language and I never, never expected this one was going to be better....but I was wrong, Kylie surprises me as always. Here's a little review song-by-song: 1. All the Lovers: First single, sounds great as the first song, sounds like a dance song with some elements from the 80's. 2. Get Outta My Way: Second single, but it should have been the first 'cause this song is wonderful, it has a great sound and the lyrics are great too. 3. Put your Hands Up: Dance song, I'm sure it will sound great on discoteques bec

E3 and Metallica

The E3 ends now and there hasn't been so many surprises but a lot about the new add of Xbox called now KINECT, it actually looks quite interesting and I think I'll get it, as I will with the next Rockband 3 with the, this time, real guitar with real strings! Also Gears or War 3 looks amazing! Also I have to give credit to the new Xbox 360 "slim", it looks amazing and it's not as expensive as I trought it was going to be. I also went to my first METALLICA concert at Rock in Rio, The great group Motorhead was there as well and both were amazing, specially Metallica, they are just the greatest band in this planet! I really liked them singing "Fade to Black" which is one of my favourites songs and all their hits like For Whom the Bell Tools and One. Right now I am waiting for the release of Toy Story 3 and see how they made it! Anyway, don't have to much to say so.....see you soon!

Summer awaits...

Summer is coming and so are the summer movies, videogames and songs...I really hope this year the storm doesn't come, do I? I just got one of the most acclaimed games this year, Red Dead Redemption, I didn't expect so much in it but it is a really fun game: Story: 9/10 : A great story, quite simple but much better than some Rockstar previous games. Graphics: 9.5/10 : Great graphics, specially the entorn, the animals, the sky and even the main characters look amazing! Sound: 9.5/10 : Fits the game 100%, great BSO and it's fun to hear it while playing. Duration: 9.5/10 : More than 20 hours the main story, and there's a lot more to do from playing Poker to looking for bandids to help people. Gameplay: 10/10 : You can do anything, can be a good guy or a bad guy, and the new "Wanted " feature is amazing. RATING: 9.5/10 : It's an amazing game but don't compare it to GTA IV because I actually didn't like it but this new western game is awesome! I also was

Aphrodite's Update and Iron Man 2

Before all, I have to say that Kylie Minogue has surprised me again...I just listened her next single called "All the Lovers" and it's just awesome, she never stops surprising me! Also the tracklisting was released today and it looks quite promising, can't wait to have this album on my hands, here's the list: 1. All the Lovers 2. Get Outta My Way 3. Put your Hands Up (If you feel love) 4. Closer 5. Everything is Beautiful 6. Aphrodite 7. Illusion 8. Better than Today 9. Too Much 10. Cupid Boy 11. Looking for an Angel 12. Can't Beat the Feeling I also went to watch the new film Iron Man 2 and loved it as the first one, it's an excellent second part and the actors play it really well, especially the protagonist Robert Downey Jr. The "bad guy" Mickey Rourke does a great job as well that remembers me a bit (just a bit) to The Joker on the Dark Knight. Iron Man 2 is a great film and very funny too. RATING: 8/10 I repeat, go listen Kylie's new sing

"You want to touch me?" Bayonetta Review

I actually don't get the people today...they want new things and once they get them, they got angry and critize it badly, but if someone does something "old" it's awesome. I don't mean they have to stop making old stuff (I actually like it) but if someone does something new, they should make it new and not a copy or old. I say this for many things but specially for the angry fans about Final Fantasy XIII....they wanted something different, they got it and now they don't like it, it's quite a shame 'cause I'm enjoying it badly! And this also goes for the latest game I got, Bayonetta. They compare it with God of War III, which is an awesome game but it has nothing new, it's like playing with GoW II and if you say it's not, you are lying to yourself. Instead, Bayonetta has a new style, a hotter character and a dumb funny the story than even the main character laughs about it. It's a copy of Devil May Cry? Not at all but it's

Aphrodite on Earth

I went to Mika concert last sunday and it was wonderful, very fun, and the songs were awesome. I really liked the space theme in the seems like it's the last call. I also went to the cinema to see Alice in Wonderland again, this time in 3D (last time was in 2D) and it's, as I said before, a great and funny movie! Now about the last news about my favourite singer on this Earth: Kylie Minogue. I have been a fan of her for more than ten years and today she released information about her eleventh album called after the goddess of love "Aphrodite". Her new album will be called Aphrodite and will be released the 5th July...the album cover is as wonderful as all her albums, but this one gives a new inspiration...I love it! I am quite surprised the album is called after a mythology legend....I love mythology so that makes me feel to love even more the title and the album! Her new single will appear the 28th June and called "All the Lovers"; the song as the

What if...

...your destiny is already written. What if you made thousands of changes in your life and none of them will make an effect in your final days. What if all that the history of the world tells has lots of lies and you are living like this because "someone" tells you to. What if the natural disasters are made by someone who has a great power to save the planet...but also a great power to destroy it. What if humans are a virus for this planet. This sunday 18 of April I will be at Mika's concert (I have got my tickets finally!!) so I'll see you all there and tell you how it was... I want to make quick reviews about what I saw/tried this last days: Clash of the Titans: film about greek mythology, I love mythology and this movie is not the greatest film ever made but it's fun to watch, and at least they have made a good "make-up" of Medusa. Rating: 7.5/10 Just Cause 2: videogame about the adventures and missions of a secret agent in a island filled with illega

Alice in Wonderland and more Final Fantasy

I saw today the new Johnny Depp-Tim Burton film, the highly announced Alice in Wonderland! I wanted to write down here what I think about this movie; it starts with Alice and her normal and "boring" life until she falls to Wonderland again...but this time it's more a destroyed land filled with fear and horror. The Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp) plays a perfect role as always as the other actors and creatures. The story talks about a prophecy which explains that Alice must win the Red Queen in order to let the real queen of wonderland (the White one, played by a wonderful as always Anne Hathaway) be the Queen. The movie is funny and the story is quite interesting, but once the movie ends, something is missing...I don't know what but maybe the feeling of missing the real Alice from Disney or the books. The acting is great, the design perfect, good story and worth watching...I give it an 7.5/10 And now let me say a bit about Final fantasy XIII, I'm still playing it and hav

Final Fantasy XIII Review

This is my first post here, I want to salute everyone and hope that this is the start of a new long blog for a long long time. I want to start with a review of the game-of-the-week Final Fantasy XIII, this is my review: I finally got my version for the Xbox 360 of this amazing game, after all those words about being too lineal or too boring, here's my review of 15 hours of game (if it gets different, I will update this review) I won't talk about the story, don't want to spoil anything, except saying that the people who were "angry" about the map always showing everything, it's easy to say that you can take it out with pressing a button (select) Story: 10/10...the best story I've ever heard from a game, it captures you, it makes you feel their pain, their feelings. Graphics: 10/10...The best graphics I've seen, even from the Xbox 360 version, they both look amazing. Sound: 10/10...The only game I ever liked the music was Final Fantasy VII, but