
Showing posts from June, 2011

X-Men First Class Review

I always have been a huge fan of the X-Men franchise, mostly because of the main characters and feeling connected to Magneto and his feelings towards humanity, but after watching this new film, my opinion about the old X-Men films have changed. First Class tells the story of how Magneto and Professor X met, how they became enemies, how Magneto found his helmet and how Charles ended on a wheelchair. Watching this feels great but the adds of new characters and new stories is even better. You can't compare this to the old movies just because this one is too much better, you forget about Storm, Jean Grey and the others while watching this amazing and well explained story. I have to add that Hugh Jackman's Wolverine has a small cameo in this one...a funny one. Magneto is the star of this film and his amazing power and dramatic past, Charles Xavier is better than ever, the bad guy is Sebastian Shaw, a extremly powerful mutant made by an amazing Kevin Bacon doing what he does best...

Destiny & Final Fantasy XIII-2 Update

It's official, the world is never going to change, even if someone says "don't do that because something bad will happen", they still do it, they don't believe anyone, only themselves...who am I talking about? I'm talking about potat...humans. There have been so many chances to open your mind and see the real world, the real truth, the red pill, but you have taken the blue pill instead, even if they told you it was the good one, it is are a fool created by the foolest people on Earth and you still believe and trust these stupid fools. Knowing this now, you may think one of these options: 1. This is crazy, who can believe this crap? 2. Maybe something here can be true... 3. I've been so blind, I'm starting to change now!  This is a free country, so you can believe what you want, as long as you don't mess up with me, but if you think something is wrong with humanity as I do, then start now to change and be "different" than them,