Muppets Most Wanted - Review

If you have been a Muppets fan since forever, you'll watch this film but you may expect something different...this film is more about the cameos than the muppets themselves.

Flush with their revival's success, Kermit the Frog and his friends are approached by Dominic Badguy to go on a world tour. Unknown to them, this is all part of the sinister plan of Constantine, the world's most evil frog, to become the greatest thief of all time. After making sure that Kermit is jailed as himself, Constantine impersonates him to use the Muppets' tour as cover for his scheme. While Sam the Eagle and Inspector Jean Pierre Napoleon investigate, the Muppets find their boss seems strangely changed even as Kermit desperately attempts to escape to stop the impostor. Only when Walter, Fozzie and Animal realize the truth is there a chance to prevent Constantine from pulling off the crime of the century.
The scenes with Ty Burrell and Eagle were the funniest from the film!

The film introduces a new character who looks a lot like Kermint, that's Constantine and he's just another version with a weird accent and a lookalike to Robert deNiro (don't know if some of you will get that one). All the Muppets come back to this film but they are just there doing nothing special like in the first movie where you could see Gonzo's amazing acts or Miss Peggy singing with Kermit on stage. They are just there in the middle of a thiefs story and that's it, you won't see them like in the last film or like in their show.

But the thing that has most than other films are cameos, a lot of them appear in this film and it's a long list...too long to write it here but the most special that looked were the ones from Tom Hiddleston (he appears around 5 seconds), Celine Dion (in the imagination of Miss Piggy, she appears like too many times in the same song/scene), Christoph Waltz (as himself, I really wanted to see more of him), Danny Trejo (in the prison, lots of scenes from him and very funny) and the return of Zack Galifianakis as Hobo Joe.

But the ones who shined more were the main cast of "humans", Ricky Gervais as Number 2 (working for Constantine and betraying the Muppets); he has done a good job, don't get me wrong, he's a great actor and comedian but somehow doesn't fit well in this movie...Then there's the great Tina Fey who, in my opinion, was the funniest from all and really wanted to see more scenes from her. And last but no least there's Ty Burrell (from Modern Family) who does an Interpol agent looking for the true identity of a mysterious thief, he acts the same way he does in the TV show and that's not a bad thing, he's very funny and he made me laugh lots of times in the movie, in fact his scenes (and the only song he sings) were the funniest during the film.

The movie makes me remember how great and funny "The Muppets" were in their last film, every song was stucked in my head for weeks and watched it twice in the cinema...but there's something in this sequel (that starts before the ending of the original) that's missing and I'm still not sure of what it is...if the fact that the Muppets don't have many good scenes or the appaerance of too many (yes, too many) cameos...their magic from all other films is missing...

· What I liked was the change to see the Muppets once again and to see them with stars like Ricky Gervais, Tina Fey and Ty Burrell on the big screen...nice some of the cameos. The locations in the film are very enjoyable, you'll visit from Russia to Spain.

· What I didn't liked was the missing "something" from this film...also the songs are very simple and very forgettable. Once you see the film, you're left wanting more.

7.5 / 10
"A funny and enjoyable movie that will left you wanting more from the Muppets and their last film"

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