Child of Light - Review

2014... It hasn't been a good year for videogames (for now), the only enjoyable one I've played this year has been Lightning Returns and Burial at Sea from Bioshock Infinite. I think the game of the year will be the amazing and most awaited "Watch_Dogs" from Ubisoft, it looks like a mix between Assassin's Creed and GTA.
The mix of the amazing soundtrack plus awesome landscapes
is unforgettable!

But this isn't the game I wanna talk about right now...It's about a new instant classic from Ubisoft called "Child of Light", a surprisingly amazing game that can melt your heart.
It centers around Aurora, a girl from 1895 Austria who contracts a physical ailment that causes her to fall asleep. Upon waking up, Aurora finds herself in the mythical world of Lemuria which has had its sun, moon and stars stolen by the Dark Queen, Umbra. Aurora is tasked with recovering the celestial bodies and ultimately reuniting with her father, who is a duke. Helped by her playable companion Igniculus the firefly and several unlikely allies, Aurora will face her darkest fears in this modern take on a coming-of-age story.
The fights makes me remeber to old times from the classics
Final Fantasies...memories...

This game is a fairytale, it would have looked perfectly as a movie or a book but they created it as a game and it works great. The gameplay is very similar to "Rayman Legends" as a 2D platform but it adds the classic turn RPG fights that remembers to the old "Final Fantasies" like VI and VII. The exploration is amazing with the hability to fly anywhere you want to discover secret treasures and doors that takes you to small "dungeons" to find new enemies and objects.
The mechanical is very simple but effective, it's a little repetitive but it doesn't get boring, it makes you wish it never ends.
The atmosphere is magical with, as I said before, a fairytale spirit that will wake up that 10 year old child you still have inside, it's a great feeling with a heartful story and lots of feelings.

Not only the gameplay and story is amazing but the soundtrack (there are no voices) is one of the bests I haven't heard in a long time, I still have stucked in my head the song Aurora's Theme...

· GRAPHICS (9) - Beautiful graphics, don't expect realistic ones but artistic ones, looks like you're playing inside a picture that has splendid landspaces painted! The design of the characters is awesome as well!

· SOUND (9.5) - No voices but a great soundtrack, the music is unforgettable.

· GAMEPLAY (9.5) - Lots of exploring plus amazing classic turn-RPG figths. Both things are very simple but efective, it may get repetive a little bit but is still very enjoyable!

· STORY (9) - Simple story that looks and sounds like a not expect anything beyond from known and amazing stories but still quite good for a videogame!


:: My Top 15 Videogames ::

1. Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy (9.6)
2. Skyrim (9.6)
3. Bioshock Infinite (9.5)
4. Tomb Raider (9.5)
5. Arkham Asylum / Arkham City (9.4)
6. Portal 2 (9.4)
7. Final Fantasy VII (9.4)
8. Dishonored (9.3)
9. Assassin's Creed II / IV: Black Flag (9.3)
10. Child of Light (9.2)
11. Mass Effect Trilogy (9.2)
12. Bioshock (9.2)
13. Final Fantasy X (9.1)
14. Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time / Wind Waker (9.1)
15. Rayman Legends (9.1)

· Upcoming Videogames to Review (I hope): Watch_Dogs - Destiny - The Order 1886 - Arkham Knight - Alien: Isolation - The Witcher 3