Godzilla - Review

After almost 16 years of the last "mediocre" Godzilla film, finally comes a film that's worth it to call it God! Zilla! If you didn't enjoyed that film, do not worry as this one is nothing like it, it has a good story, good acting and a good monster that respects the original one.
Yes, this is an actual shot from the movie!

The film starts in 1999 after some scientists find a very old skeleton from an ancient creature with two embryos and see how one has escaped. Then the movie takes us very fast to Japan where a city starts to shake and everybody believes its a earthquake but scientist Joe Brody (Bryan Cranston) doesn't think the same and after seeing how his wife dies in front of him, he becomes desperate to discover what really happened. Some years later, with his son Ford being a grown-up and a soldier from the US Army, he finds his father again who's still trying to know the reality that is obviously hidden from him. Once they get into the same nuclear plant where he worked, they see a similar embryo that is broken and born as a new fying beast called "MUTO". After some destroying and killing off the main character (yes, literally) the movie starts with an epic run to kill that monster with the help from another infamous monster who wants to keep the balance in the world, and that one is known as Godzilla. After more destruction and amazing actions sequences, we discover there's another MUTO creature and that they both are a couple who just want to have little monster children but Godzilla is not going to let them do that easily. 
While the humans try to do everything they can (and failing at the same time), the main monster kills them off, after an intense fight and resting for some hours while people believed it was death, he wakes up and goes into the sea once more to keep living hiding from all live.

It's a curious turn when you discover Godzilla is actually the saviour of the planet who is hidden somewhere under the sea looking after the planet and reappears when another monster tries to extinct the human race. The look of the monster is more resemblance from the original film from the 50s (just forget everything you saw at the movie from 1998) but don't expect to see him in many scenes as it appears like in 15 minutes during the entire film, which makes me remember to the movie "Cloverfield" trying to catch every angle and scene to see how the monster looks like...and that has been well done, leaving you the interest to see how it looks and what it can do from swimming without destroying any ship to souting the infamous blue fire like in the old movies. I admit I really liked the part when he shouts that fluorescent fire for the first time...the child inside me said "That's so cool!".
The entire cast does a great job, but Cranston is amazing as always!

The monster is amazing, all right, but what about the human cast? While I expected to see the amazing and talented Bryan Cranston as the main actor I found out he only appears in the first 30 minutes in the film or so until they kill him off (yes, they kill his character) leaving his son to take the role, played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson (from Kick-Ass and the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron) who does a good job but not that impressive, the same goes with Elizabeth Olsen as his wife and Ken Wayanbe (from The Last Samurai and Inception) who always looks good in a movie...the entire casting does a great job but I really was expecting to see the great Mr. Cranston to appear during the entire film, that was a huge let down.

There are multiple scenes from natural disasters like earthquakes and even a tsunami, those scenes, especially the last one, that happens in Honolulu, makes you remember to the real disasters that happen in the real world as they have filmed it very realistic. That's another good point from this film, it's a Godzilla movie wanted to be the most realistic way possible, and they have done it perfecly!

The plot is different from other "disaster" movies as its about the two MUTO monsters trying to copulate and make embryos while the humans and Godzilla itself wants to stop them. The monster's plot is well done and to put the great monster as a "good guy" was surprising and unexpected (especially in the ending, you REALLY don't expect it). But the humans part is forgettable until the part where Joe Brody dies and the first monster appears, the rest from the humans plot is just trying to survive...

· BEST : At last a good Godzilla movie and monster! - The entire plot - The action scenes are amazing - The soundtrack is outstanding, it fits perfectly in the movie - The entire cast is great plus Bryan Cranston shines as always!

· WORST : The human plot is nothing special - It's not that bad but the MUTO monsters have more screenplay than Godzilla itself! - To have an actor as good as Mr. Cranston and kill him off in the middle of the movie.

8.3 / 10
"The greatest "monster-disaster" movie ever done with a great cast and a "somehow" interesting plot with intensice action-scenes!"

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3. Godzilla (8.3)
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5. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (8.0)
6. The Muppets Most Wanted (7.8)

Get ready to see lots of known cities completely destroyed!