Star Wars: The Force Awakens New Trailer - There's still Hope

After a long time, the official trailer for the upcoming Star Wars film, "The Force Awakens", has been released.
The film is coming out this next Christmas and I couldn't be more excited. I have been a huge fan of the franchise since I was a little kid, I remember watching "A New Hope" thinking it was the most amazing thing ever and wishing to become a Jedi sometime...
We see a little more from the new Star Wars universe like the appearance of the new clone soldiers, R2-D2, a very small glimpse of who looks like Luke Skywalker (with his robotic arm coming back) and, the most surprising moment, the first appearance of Han Solo and Chewbacca after all these years. They look exactly the same but...older.

The movie looks great, it may not become bigger than the original trilogy but I'm already sure it will be better than the prequels. J.J. Abrams is a talented director and I love what he did with Star Trek, I actually have to say "The Force Awakens" has a "Star Trek" feeling mixed with the original trilogy.

We still have a long wait until the release of the movie so let's hope a new trailer comes out showing us the known and loved faces of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa!

Check the trailer below and some screenshots!

Also, a small trailer about the upcoming videogame called "Star Wars: Battlefront", coming out the 19th November 2015 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. With no campaign and just multiplayer battles, both online and offline. One big let down about this game, there won't be any space battles...
Watch the trailer plus some screenshots here: