The 12th Doctor is here!

Matt Smith has officialy ended being the Doctor...he was great and funny and I'll miss him and while his last episode "The Time of the Doctor" was a little weird but many subplots were solved here (like gaining a reset of his re-generations so he can regenerate thirteen times again) and the second appearance and official first one of Peter Capaldi as the new Doctor!!

He appeared very fast at the end showing the fastest and shortest regeneration ever (believe me, it was like just one second), it was intriguing to hear his first words "Kidneys, I've got new kidneys!" but it was even more mysterious and can't-wait-for-next-episode to ask Clara for help because he doesn't know how to fly the Tardis...he looks amazing and I'm looking forward to see more of him but we'll have to wait until autumn of 2014 as they will release the new season that, let's wait...

Here's the ending of that short regeneration, obviously, spoilers: