Message to the Angels

Living in a world where the real story has been erased and changed for a fake one where almost everyone believes it.
Everybody here is being ruled by a phantom that has ordered to kill thousands of people who knew the certain past, present and upcoming future that this planet is coming at the end...

There are still that small group of warriors fightning with their lifes and surviving until the real creator comesback and decides what to do with those people who faked the truth...
Some of these people who are hidding from the devil until the real God arrives, let's call them "angels" are fighting really hard, each one with their own problems and situations, some of them even have to fake their own death so they can breathe better until the day comes...those people are usually the ones that had fame or a life that had to be gone for good.

To this group I say: "Don't give up yet, the ending is coming soon, don't believe what they say, even the news are fake, fight for what you know is real, if you have to do something you know some people will be very affected but it's the correct thing to follow the path of light, do it without doubting, we will support you and we will only wait until our real creator comes to help us and delete the darkness in this dimension...the tears of suffering will be revenged, I promise you that...especially to those who know what the real ending will be..."

"Even if I don't see you in front on me, I know you are there, I know your story, I know the reason you did what you did, I understand your feelings because I feel the same, even if everyone thinks it was wrong or you were insane/controlled, don't worry because I and your group know the real truth and that's the most important thing: to do the correct thing, because, in this world filled of sin, no one does it...if I have to give up my life again for you, I will..."

Don't worry, you're not alone...I will clean your tears