Trust No One
Believe me, everyone in this dying planet called Earth has its own devil inside and they don't mind to hurt you in any way if they can because that's what they are made for.
Yes, humans have been brain-washed for centuries to be easily controlled by the ones who rule this world. They putted their beliefs and culture and way-of-being on the routine of every day so they can have their empire again rised.
Don't believe me? I know, because you have been blinded to see the real truth, the truth that they don't want you to see.
And you are asking yourself "How do they do that?"... It's easy, by TV, music, films, news, books even food. If not, see by yourself why when the release an apocalyptic film, in the next couple of months all is related to that theme. That's how they control humanity.
And then you think "Religion is the way to be in the good side!" You are wrong (again) because all religions have been modified to be in the way "the rulers" want. Take for example the Christianism...the day of the Lord has been always Saturday (it's mencioned in the Bible), but then the Pope said "It will be now Sunday" and everybody accepts it because people think he's a god on Earth and it's not true, it's what they call a False Prophet (search on Google, I don't have time to explain this)
You are even being controlled in your habits and culture (sex, drugs, alcohol, hate), if don't believe this, then see the 7 Deadly Sins: Wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony...these are the routine for anyone! This society has made the 7 Sins to look nothing special, the day-a-day. And those sins were said by the real one and only God and I think he hasn't change them, just see the earthquakes and hurricanes and other nature disasters that are happening...don't be stupid, if you don't believe this, it's a confirmation you are being mind-controlled.
I don't care if you believe me or not, I done with that, you'll see what the future awaits for you all, but what I'm mostly sick of is that all of you who are Sinners (I don't want to type any bad-words) believe you are the greatest persons of the planet and no one can match you...Well, I've got news for you, even the Planet is Sick of You!!
And stop believing you are always right and you can win anything and to anyone, because you all will get the punishment you deserve and believe when I say it will hurt you in a way you could have ever imagine.
And it doesn't matter if you are intelligent or you have a degree or if you are a doctor or a scientist or if you have a million euros...all that doesn't matter at the end (An employee at a restaurant that gives free food to the poor and then loses his job is a way better person than a doctor than only cares about money and him/herself...and most people are the second one)
Yes, humans have been brain-washed for centuries to be easily controlled by the ones who rule this world. They putted their beliefs and culture and way-of-being on the routine of every day so they can have their empire again rised.
Don't believe me? I know, because you have been blinded to see the real truth, the truth that they don't want you to see.
And you are asking yourself "How do they do that?"... It's easy, by TV, music, films, news, books even food. If not, see by yourself why when the release an apocalyptic film, in the next couple of months all is related to that theme. That's how they control humanity.
And then you think "Religion is the way to be in the good side!" You are wrong (again) because all religions have been modified to be in the way "the rulers" want. Take for example the Christianism...the day of the Lord has been always Saturday (it's mencioned in the Bible), but then the Pope said "It will be now Sunday" and everybody accepts it because people think he's a god on Earth and it's not true, it's what they call a False Prophet (search on Google, I don't have time to explain this)
You are even being controlled in your habits and culture (sex, drugs, alcohol, hate), if don't believe this, then see the 7 Deadly Sins: Wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony...these are the routine for anyone! This society has made the 7 Sins to look nothing special, the day-a-day. And those sins were said by the real one and only God and I think he hasn't change them, just see the earthquakes and hurricanes and other nature disasters that are happening...don't be stupid, if you don't believe this, it's a confirmation you are being mind-controlled.
I don't care if you believe me or not, I done with that, you'll see what the future awaits for you all, but what I'm mostly sick of is that all of you who are Sinners (I don't want to type any bad-words) believe you are the greatest persons of the planet and no one can match you...Well, I've got news for you, even the Planet is Sick of You!!
And stop believing you are always right and you can win anything and to anyone, because you all will get the punishment you deserve and believe when I say it will hurt you in a way you could have ever imagine.
And it doesn't matter if you are intelligent or you have a degree or if you are a doctor or a scientist or if you have a million euros...all that doesn't matter at the end (An employee at a restaurant that gives free food to the poor and then loses his job is a way better person than a doctor than only cares about money and him/herself...and most people are the second one)