Tell Me...

Tell me what's to be different from everyone,
Tell me what's to feel sadness everyday of your life,
Tell me what's to love someone who doesn't exist,
Tell me what's to hear everyone's minds without hearing a thing,

Tell me what's to be guilty for your existence,
Tell me what's to feel alone in a world filled,
Tell me what's to see the passing of time,
Tell me what's to know your end,

Tell me what's to know the past, the present and the future,
Tell me what's to know every language without speaking them,
Tell me what's to feel death and live at the same time,
Tell me what's to know the lies of everyone,
Tell me what's to know the lies of history,

Tell me what's to feel your touch and not be there,
Tell me what's to see your eyes and not see them,
Tell me what's to feel your lips and not kiss them,

Tell me that you don't need to tell me,
Because what's being told is already known by me.

Johnny 'Lightning' Martinez
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