
Showing posts from September, 2011

A Potato Story Part II : The Revenge of the Apples

After potatoes won the war against the cucumbers, they lived very happy doing what they always loved to do: be a potato. They were in love with themselves so much than they started changing the cucumbers to popatoes in any possible way. Disguises were first, then there was operations and then brain-washing/chancing/"OMG Where's my brain?" stuff. But from somewhere, the almighty apples were watching and they didn't like what the potatoes were doing to the cucumbers, so they send an apple to live with them and try to change their minds and go against the real potatoes. The apple failed and became one of them for a short time, then after a long time the apple's brain cameback and it noticed what it did, so much he was suffering than the apple went back with his/her friends. A thousand years later, all was potatoes...even a new level of potatofullis (an even more stupid potato). The apples were sick to see this disaster and they decided to send another apple to th...

Sin, Sin, Sin

Everybody is a sinner, if you don't believe me, read the Ten Commandments list and you'll see how you have made at last one of them: I must say, I love this picture, it reflects how much these "orders" must be made, and no one even cares... Now let's talk about my favourite part: The 7 Deadly Sins: Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity. Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation. Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath. Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Cove...

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Preview

Ok, I think I know enough things about this upcoming game to make a preview. The game starts just when the last one ended, but now with something different; Lightning's missing. Three years later she's now in a different dimension called Valhala where she's a warrior from the Goddess Etro and must protect the city (still don't know why). But a man called Kaias wants something she wants as well, that's why they keep fighting and he looks like the "bad guy". At the same time, Lightning's sister, Serah, is looking for her and her husband-to-be who is missing too. While in the way she meets Noel (no, it's not Santa Claus related) who knows Lightning and says she's waiting for Serah to do something (what? I don't know!). And there's more, Noel comes from the future and he's a time traveller, but his future everything is destroyed and he's the last human alive. That's for the story, now let's talk about the rest: Graphic...

The Future can't be changed

While writing the review of Deus Ex HR, I was thinking about the future...if you watch the news, what future do you see? I only see darkness, evil everywhere, a future where no one could be able to go out their homes because of the madness that there will be on the streets. The "rulers" of this world know this and they want this because that's what they always planned: No future for the human race. And you ask yourself "But Johnny, why do they want to destroy the human race?" I'm glad you asked! And the answer is quite hard to explain, but here's a sentence that will resume it: They don't want to destroy it because they already did (in a different way that you are thinking...yes, I know what you are thinking now and it's not like that). And all this can't be changed...not now, there has been lots of opportunities that you all missed, maybe because you all are too blind or too stupid, I don't know, but the future can't be changed, ...

Deus Ex Human Revolution - Review

I love this title, it sounds so futuristic and real at the same time, it sounds like the title of a movie or a book but it's a videogame, and a good one with a great story...better than many books and I'm a writer so I know what I'm talking about! Set in 2027, you are Adam Jensen, the security chief for one of the game's most powerful corporations, Sarif Industries. After a devastating attack on Sarif's headquarters, Adam is forced to undergo radical surgeries that fuse his body with mechanical augmentations, and he is embroiled in the search for those responsible for the attack. I don't want to spoil anything, you'll have to see it by yourself, but I can tell you there are things about angels, good and evil, humans and non-humans, Illuminatti, etc. The game features shooting, RPG style upgrades, stealth, hacking and social life, with lots of interacting and multiple choices in every way (you can choose to kill a bad guy or leave it alive, save an innocen...

Tell Me...

Tell me what's to be different from everyone, Tell me what's to feel sadness everyday of your life, Tell me what's to love someone who doesn't exist, Tell me what's to hear everyone's minds without hearing a thing, Tell me what's to be guilty for your existence, Tell me what's to feel alone in a world filled, Tell me what's to see the passing of time, Tell me what's to know your end, Tell me what's to know the past, the present and the future, Tell me what's to know every language without speaking them, Tell me what's to feel death and live at the same time, Tell me what's to know the lies of everyone, Tell me what's to know the lies of history, Tell me what's to feel your touch and not be there, Tell me what's to see your eyes and not see them, Tell me what's to feel your lips and not kiss them, Tell me that you don't need to tell me, Because what's being told is already known by me. Johnny 'Light...

Lightning is back - Update

After so much speculation, Final Fantasy XIII-2 is coming, and stronger than ever. With a more interesting story about other dimensions, an invisible world and travelling trough time, the cast is back and adding new characters. But, you know, I prefer to talk about Light...Lightning has been missing since the ending of Final Fantasy XIII. She is a knight, protecting the temple of the goddess Etro in Valhalla. Lightning is trying to find a way to free Fang and Vanille from their fate, while being confronted by her fated rival along the way. She now wields a new gunblade resembling a combination of her Blazefire Saber and a traditional sword. Also, Lightning will serve as the narrator for the game. Using Historiacross, different locations or time periods can be selected from the menu. For example, you can select Bresha Ruins in the year AF0005. AF005 is two years after the events of the game, in which you can see the world is lush and green. Fast-forward to the year AF300, and it’s a w...

Trust No One

Believe me, everyone in this dying planet called Earth has its own devil inside and they don't mind to hurt you in any way if they can because that's what they are made for. Yes, humans have been brain-washed for centuries to be easily controlled by the ones who rule this world. They putted their beliefs and culture and way-of-being on the routine of every day so they can have their empire again rised. Don't believe me? I know, because you have been blinded to see the real truth, the truth that they don't want you to see. And you are asking yourself "How do they do that?"... It's easy, by TV, music, films, news, books even food. If not, see by yourself why when the release an apocalyptic film, in the next couple of months all is related to that theme. That's how they control humanity. And then you think "Religion is the way to be in the good side!" You are wrong (again) because all religions have been modified to be in the way "th...