Choose your Heart or your Destiny
So many things I have seen in my life but what I never have found is a feeling, a special feeling that never have seen anyone to feel it or even myself...maybe. That feeling is called love, something that in the world of today doesn't exist: the "love" that people call it these days is just pleasure without inner feelings, and that was the only thing that separated the humans to the animal kingdom. Now that difference is gone...congratulations, now humans are animals... These days...well, weeks...I've been thinking about what is the real love; no one has ever felt it and neither I. My question is if the life, the future, the destiny that awaits could all be changed because of that. I personally don't think so because I'm very strong-minded, it's very difficult-almost-impossible to change my mind, but in the case someone finds his true love (or soul mate, call it however you want), it would have to be someone very very VERY special to change my mind, s...