Review - Final Fantasy VII Remake
The original game was released back in 1997 and it became and instant classic and one of the greatest video games in history. Now, 23 years later and after lots of requests regarding a remake, the promise has been fulfilled, kinda. An ex-SOLDIER named Cloud Strife is hired by an eco-movement called Avalanche to help them destroy the reactors of the infamous city Midgar controlled by the organisation ruling the entire city and practically everything named Shin-ra. The plot is practically the same as the original game with a few changes and expansions. We get more scenes and interactions with the rest of Avalanche, Jessie, Biggs and Wedge, and these are great, we get to know more from them. The graphics are photo realistic, the city of Midgar is impressive and immersive. You get to see reaction and discussions from the rest of the citizens while walking around which makes it even more realistic. There are times when the graphics are not fully loaded and...